Thursday 1 October 2015

5 Steps To Control And Cure Blood Pressure Without Medicine

Medicine-free and cost free Technique for High Blood Pressure / Hypertension 

Blood pressure at early stage is a relatively new phenomenon of modern lifestyles. This is due to competitive world and hectic lifestyle, blood pressure affects 1 in 4 individuals and can cause serious and irreversible damage. Yet, those affected can be completely unaware of their condition

“Now in today’s comparative word, people suffered from many disease, and same time people take ownership of disease by saying things like MY high blood pressure MY hypertension, MY! MY! MY! Don't own it because it doesn't belong to you!” 

Blood Pressure is like monster diseases and with allopathic medicine it will be silent killer as it will open the gate for many more new monster diseases.  
But it can be cure with simple scientific technique and almost free of cost, but question come to us how this is possible..? Is there any magic or miracle ..?  

Sahaja Yoga Technique suggests simple steps to keep your Blood Pressure Under Control and regular practice of Sahaja yoga can Cure your Blood Pressure permanently..!

High blood pressure causes and treatment explain by H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmal Devi in early 1975 and with this method many people across world from India, USA, UK, Europe, successfully cure the blood pressure and enjoying the beautiful life. H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmal Devi open the two research hospital to cure BP, asthma and many more diseases by Sahaja yoga technique. This hospital is located on Vashi Mumbai and Nodia India.

High Blood Pressure cases explain by H.H.Shree Mataji Nirmal Devi in Conference for Doctors, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy, 2 October 1998 and later lot of doctors and different research institute confirm the same by doing different experiment on patients 

Blood Pressure Causes an Symptoms as per Sahaja Yoga 

H.H.Shree Mataji Nirmal Devi explains that sickness come when we exhaust the energy of particular chakra, In human body we have 7 chakras or plexuses and two sympathetic nervous systems and one parasympathetic. 
…In human body there is center is known as aortic plexus. Now when we are too much working, worrying, thinking, we are futuristic, then this center has to go to the right side. But when it is moving to the right side his energy can be exhausted. It supplies energy to the liver, pancreas and also two kidneys and spleen and the lower parts of intestines. Now when a person is very futuristic, then he gets lots of problems. One thing that I state now is not written in medical science, that the brain which is exhausting it’s energy all the time, from where does it get the energy? The grey matter you see is exhausted all the time.
So from where does it get the energy? So this is the center which gives energy to the brain. But when we are too futuristic, worrying type, we are very much, all the time working out then this energy of this center only goes to the brain. And all other organs do not get the energy sufficient. Firstly the liver, liver has the function to take out the heat which is the poison in the body and to put it in the blood circulation. But it gets very, lots of [shunt] energy, so the heat is accumulated in the liver. Such person can be very hot tempered, irritable, very fast. So what happens that when this heat goes upward it first of all attacks also the heart. It also attacks the lungs and such a person can get asthma. In Sahaja Yoga asthma is absolutely curable. When heat goes downward in Kidney then we get the hypertension issue.  (Conference for Doctors, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy, 2 October 1998.)

Swadhistan Chakra : ..Now this center is very important because it gives energy to our liver, to pancreas, to our spleen, to our intestines, to our kidneys, can you imagine such an important center it is! This Swadishthan. But the most important work it does is very - which I don’t know you will accept or not but it supplies energy to our grey cells which we are using all the time. When we are thinking too much, when we are acting physically and mentally, this center has to supply energy to our brain, we can call it to our grey cells which we are using all the time. When we are doctors, we are using our grey cells how much? We have no idea. There is nobody who has found out how much we use our brains but we are going exhausting our brains and also we are very futuristic. All doctors are futuristic. May be they want to find out something in the pure sense of the word or maybe they have certain ideas or may be it is money, may be anything but they are very, very futuristic and in that trend of futuristic behaviour also there is a big competition so they don’t know what to do. They have to be futuristic and think but what will happen. (Address to Doctors, New Delhi, 6/4/97)

Swadhistan chakra:  So the function is to look after liver, and so pancreas and spleen, kidneys and intestines – one center. Also it has another very important work is to convert the fat for the use of the grey cells, energy. (Medical Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 14/9/94)

5 Step to Control and Cure the Blood Pressure without Medicine 

1. Self-Realization: Introductory session of Sahaja Yoga with Self Realization. This is one time process, where sahaja yoga instructor will help you to understand the Meditation and explain the full process of meditation, balancing and Cleansing technique free of cost.  Sahaja yoga center is available in all country, state, and city, you can search the address on internet and go to your nearest center. 

2. Balancing: Balancing means working on our own left and right sympathetic nervous system using few exercise with the help of earth / ether element.  When we go out of balance it is very easy using sahaja yoga techniques to put our nervous system and subtle system back into balance. The autonomous nervous system has two groups of nervous systems, one is sympathetic another is para-sympathetic. sympathetic nervous system, have two types of left and right sympathetic nervous systems, and in Sanskrit we called as Ida Nadi and Pingla Nadi.  

3.Meditation: The practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga is simple, and can be done at home or in the office, alone or with others. Meditation means thoughtless awareness, Sahaja Yoga technique help to enter a state of mind known as Thoughtless awareness. Thoughtless awareness is a state in which we clear are mind of the background noise. In this state we are free to think about whatever we want but we don’t have unwanted thoughts in our mind at all, in other words we have complete control over our mind. Our mind becomes very relaxed.
Thoughtless awareness has been described by Buddha and the Sufi’s of North Africa as also by Saints in India such as Eknath and Gyanadeva, In Sanskrit we called Turya state. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experience stronger

4. Cleansing Technique: Foot soaking is a Sahaja Yoga technique which many people will recognize from everyday life. Quit simply it is the Sahaja Yoga version of putting the feet in a bowl of warm water as a way of relaxing at the end of the day. It is best done in the evening, and the main difference in Sahaja terms is that salt is added to the water to represent the earth element. In this way we use all the elements --- fire (with the candle), air, water and earth.

5. Ice Pack Treatment : Placing an ice pack or other cold pack on the liver on the right side of your body for the 10 minute every day or as per need.  

Medical Research on Sahaja Yoga Technique By Varies Hospital In India and their Result 

Medical Research conducted by physiology department of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on varied groups of individual Sahaja­Yoga meditators has revealed that the practice of Sahaja Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.

Many people practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation regularly had already reported empirically what has now been confirmed by medical research. The outcomes of the research have shown that practice of Sahaja Yoga has had various healing effects on the mind and body leading to improvements in quality of life.

More information and contact detail you can visit:

  • H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talk : Address to Doctors, New Delhi, 6/4/97
  • H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talk :: Medical Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 14/9/94
  • H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talk::, Conference for Doctors, Italy, 2/10/98
  • H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi talk:: Caxton Hall, London, 3/7/80
  • H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Talk, New York, 30/9/81
  • Conference for Doctors, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy, 2 October 1998.

Friday 12 June 2015

X-Rays OR S-Rays Your Choice Your Destiny

  • Do you know S-Rays are the most powerful elector-magnetic waves in medical science? 
  • Do you know how to cure all the body disease by your eye window? 
  • Do you know Iridology theory can be best understanding using E-Candle treatment in Sahaja Yoga ?  

Ohhhh if you really want to learn the answer of un-answer question in medical science then below article for you ..!

The divine vibration (DV ) are in fact very high frequency electro-magnetic waves” 
Said by Divine mother H.H Shree Mataji while addressing at Gandharva Mahavidyalya

According to the principles of atomic physics " The energy of the photon is independent of intensity, depending only on it frequency" It implies that the divine vibration possess intense energy as they have a very high frequency. 

High frequency electro-magnetic waves (HFW) are also used in the modern medicine in the treatment of various disease e.g. X-Rays are used the treatment of cancer and skin disease. Gamma Rays in the treatment of various types of cancer and toxic goitre by means of radio-active phosphorus and iodine. 

The mechanism of action of the DV may be the same as any other HFW viz. when a living tissue  is exposed to a HFW, the constituent atoms of different molecules within it absorb the energy of the radiation. This gives rise of photo-electrons of high speed, which collide with the molecules of the surrounding matter and knock out electrons. This changes the structure of the constituent molecules of the tissue and the tissue dies away. Hence if a HFW is allowed to act on the abnormal tissue, which is the cause of the disease, the affected tissue dies away causing the cure of the disease. But the divine vibration (DV) are superior most of all the HFWs in that they do not cause the destruction of the tissue.

Thus when the DV penetrate a tissue, whose molecular structure has been altered by the disease, they knock out electrons or change the bonding between the atoms. This brings the structure of the affected tissues to the normal state. A good example of this is seen in cancer. H.H. Shree Mataji Says " There is alternation in the angle of the two O-H bonds in water molecule. (H2O) in cancerous state of the body." Action of DV brings this inclination to normal i.e. 105 degree. 

In modern medicine at present, though we do have a good knowledge ( Causatioa and  therapy) of infectious and deficiency diseases but the exact cause and remedy of most of the other disease is still unknown e.g Poptic Ulcer, Diabetes etc. To fill this gap, the medical science must admit the role of spiritual aspects of life in relation of health and disease. It is known, e.g. that peptic Ulcer is a psychosomatic disorder. But it is unknown to modern medicine, how the psyche and soma are linked. but Sahaja yogis know that anxiety affects Nabhi Chakara whose manifestations are stomach and liver (part). Once Nabhi Chakra is affected, local defenses mechanism of gastric mucosa ( in the form of mucin secretion etc) disappears, Thus, even the normal amount of the acid produced in the body becomes capable of causing ulceration in the stomach i.e. Peptic Ulcer. 

Similar is the case with diabetes. The fact that it occurs mostly in affluent class also favors the theory of the affection of Nabhi Chakra

Excessive smoking predisposes a person to develop bronchogenic carcinoma, But how ? ... is unknown to medical science. Sahaja Yoga gives the reply: Smoking affects Vishudhi Chakra, Smoking coupled with Imbalance of the right and left sympathetic nervous systems will produce bronochogenic carcinoma. In Psychiatric disorder, Agay chakra is affected. 

Drinking produces Cirrhosis of Liver, again by affection of Nabhi chakra. Fanticism predisposes the person to stomach cancer. 

It is well known that bronchial asthma is related to emotional excess. but how? It is because of the fact that emotional excess effects Anhat chakra, whose manifestations are heart and lungs 

The modern medicine doses not have any explanation of the moral changes observed in benign prostatic hyperplasis (BPH). But Sahaja Yogies know that the prostate gland is the gross expression of Mooladhar chakra, Which govern the quality of eternal childhood innocence and wisdom.

Brain Wave 

During an experiment at the U.C. Irvine Medical Center, University of California It was found that there was 65% increase in the blood flow to the brain during meditation, in contrast to blood flow changes during simple " Eyes Open" relaxation. But the most puzzling paradox is the electroencephalogram (EEG) records delta waves at the time of meditation..!

Iridology Chart (Human Eye Left and Right ) 

Her Holiness Mataji Says" While you see my Agya Chakra through flame, your illness passes from your eyes and get burnt into the flame" Consistent with this fact, iridologists (Iridology is a study of the iris as associated with disease, iris is the brown part of the eye outside the pupil) have discovered that all organs of the body have their own definite zones in the iris. The upper part of the iris constitutes the zone of the head, the face and the brain, while the lower part that of the lungs the lateral part that of the leg. Each eye reflects the respective part of the body. The central, rather large, section of the iris is related to the stomach's projection. So the tiny iris, no larger than the size of the pea, is connected somehow with the internal organs and different parts of the body ( figures L and R ). 
In this way, innumerable examples can be cited and new facts, unknown to the modern medical science can come to light, with the help of principles of sahaja yoga. Thus Sahaja Yoga provides genuine guidelines for research in medical science. 
Ref : Maha Avatar July Sept 1980 Meditation page 21 to 23 by D.r Nitin K Gupta ( MBBS, New Delhi)  

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